Your personal Assistan for everything photo
Frequently Asked Questions
This page offers some answers to questions about PhotoBuddy that were asked frequently. If you experience Problem not coverd on this page, please contact us through the support page.
PhotoBuddy crashes, what can I do?
In most cases this is due to low Memory (not disc Memory, but RAM). Restarting your Device should resolve this issue.
What cameras does PhotoBuddy support?
The Application ships with more than 150 preset cameras you can just use. However, PhotoBuddy can be used with almost every camera out there. All you have to do is setup some parameters in the custom camera and you are redy to go.
If your camera is not listed, please contact us through the support page. We will add the camera to the list and let you know about the parameters you need to set allowing you to work with your camera without having to wait for an update.
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